Public Health Recommendations
State & Klickitat County: October 26, 2020 Covid-19 Update Good Morning Dallesport/Murdock Community and Council, State and County Government is making public recommendations for dealing with the Covid-19 Pandemic. I am including the current recommendations. Klickitat County is currently in Phase 2: You can help slow the spread of COVID-19 by wearing a face mask that [...]
COVID-19 Statement
Jun 13, 2020, 11:05 AM Dallesport/Murdock Community Council Announcement to the general public: Regarding COVID-19 and public meetings. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed our lives for the time being. Government has decided to honor social distancing and health safety guidelines that indicate that new measures will be in place that are designed to protect the public from this pervasive [...]
Dalles Mountain Ranch
Dalles Mountain Ranch, along with Horsethief Lake make up Columbia Hills State Park, a 3,338 acre Washington state park located 6 miles east of Dallesport on SR 14. The park features the Crawford House, part of a former cattle ranch dating back to the 1800's. A network of hiking trails are one of the best ways [...]
Code Compliance Officer Spoke at May Meeting
Mr. Frank T. Hewey, the sole code compliance officer for Klickitat County, spoke regarding his efforts to enforce code compliance in the community. Mr. Hewey impressed upon the community the importance of patience and cooperation by reporting code violations. Mr. Hewey gave updates on several properties including progress on 203 and 209 Cypress St., a property [...]
YNHA Speaker Slated for Apr 11th Council Meeting
Yakama Nation Housing Authority (YNHA) Project Manager of the Wishxum Development, Kelly Coons will speak at the April 11th Dallesport Murdock Community Council meeting about the development Come to the meeting for your voice to be heard about this important issue for the future of Dallesport. April 11th, at the Dallesport Community Center on 6th Ave. [...]
Feb. Community Council Meeting Cancelled
The February Dallesport-Murdock Community Council, scheduled for Thursday 2/14 has been cancelled due to weather. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday March 14th at 7:00PM at the Community Center on 6th Ave as normal.
Winter Weather Help
If you are in need of help dealing with the winter weather, (snow shoveling, transportation, etc.) or if you can provide help please email We will work to coordinate getting people the help they need. Posting to Dallesport Neighbors on Facebook may also be helpful.
Emergency Information
The Klickitat County Department of Emergency Management sent out a newsletter with information information about preparedness, 911 systems, and how to sign up to receive emergency notifications. For more information see the flyer below or visit the Klickitat County Department of Emergency Management site.
Filing Complaints with Klickitat County
If you find a potential violation of county code, you should consider filing a complaint. The process is outlined on the Klickitat County website, including a link to the complaint form. Conversely, if complaint has been submitted about you, here is information regarding your responsibilities and answers to a couple of common questions.
YNHA Development Meeting October 27, 2018
On October 27th 2018 the Yakima Nation Housing Authority (YNHA) held an event at the Columbia Gorge Regional Airport and on-site at their proposed development site south of 3rd Avenue for a groundbreaking. An outline of their concept appears below in a composite photo of a banner presented at the event. The banner details the nearly [...]