Dallesport and Murdock, Washington are two rural peninsula communities located on the northern side of the Columbia River in south-central Klickitat County, USA. We are also on the eastern side of the Cascade Mountains, and reside in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. Launch to CRGNSA:
Hwy 14 cuts through the northern portion of our communities, and U.S. Route 197 is along our eastern boundary. Located in Dallesport is the Columbia Gorge Regional Airport as it has evolved over time since the 1940s. Launch to CGRA.
Dallesport is also home to the Port of Klickitat which accesses the Columbia River’s water transportation portage for commercial purposes.
Dallesport and Murdock are served by the Dallesport Water District (Launch to DWD), and Klickitat County Public Utilities Department (KPUD) for power. Also, Dallesport is served by (KPUD) for wastewater treatment.
The Dallesport-Murdock Community Council’s webpage provides information about these two communities through the monthly Dallesport News, and our monthly Community Council minutes. It is inclusive of favorite regional Links to Resources and Organizations, special events and more. This site is usually updated on a monthly basis as the Dallesport News is published, and new arrivals from the Council are added to the ‘Documents” menu. Explore our left-hand Main Menu and read more!
The Community Council’s primary goal focuses on informing our residents of activities derived from various Klickitat County Boards and Commissions, and other entities related to our area. Therefore, we regularly invite at least one guest per month to our meetings, empowering our residents through first-hand clarifications and an opportunity to ask questions of our guests. We also invite suggestions from the attendees for future guests provided they they are available and accept our invitation. Subject of course, to our ability of contacting them.
We also discuss subjects of importance to this peninsula using a monthly Public Information Report that tracks what was discussed by the Klickitat County Board of County Commissioners, by reviewing approved minutes as posted on the Klickitat County website. Often, the discussions include citizen’s relevant first-hand knowledge and/or expertise. We may even discuss legislation at the State level.
We conduct our meetings in a simplified but applicable, customary platform as exemplified by Robert’s Rules of Order.
All residents are welcome to attend our meetings provided your conduct is appropriate, respectful and non-disruptive to the proceedings.
We are not a governing body although we are recognized by Klickitat County as the local community council. Simply, we are local residents interested in discussing governance and other activities pertinent to our peninsula.
This website is maintained by members of the Dallesport-Murdock Community Council (DMCC). Appropriate comments and suggestions to the Council may be addressed at our monthly meetings, or emailed to dmccouncil@gmail.com.
Regarding this website, in your email Subject Line, please write: Attn: Administrator.
Current Administrator/Webpage Designer: David McNeal
Previous Administrator/Webpage Designer: Caleb Hotchkiss